Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NO! to additional Speed Demons

We just completed a trip to Detroit for SLiM, my nephew. Allow me to share the ongoing saga of the drivers in my house.

We had decided that Ace could really benefit from some serious highway time. However, she is only really allowed to drive in New York State as she only ha her permit. So we decided to let her drive the first leg of the trip, which was towards Scranton to visit Stretch.

As we were proceeding along on route 84, I remarked to Lovey that this was the highway that both Stretch first and then Bug both went really fast ( click on them to see those posts). Ace then says hopefully

"ooh, can I try that too??"

If that wasn't enough, we found a great way to stay up while driving back late at night after about ten hours of driving.

Let the 16 year old drive.

NOBODY slept during that portion of the trip.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mullah Mayor Moron, Mull Moving the Mosque

The blatant hubris, arrogance and hypocrisy our dear Mayor is really getting to me. All I will say about this issue is that this Mayor has dictated to us where we can(not) smoke, what we are allowed to eat (no salt, no transfats), that stores have to tell us what is in the food we are sil allowed to have, and where we can (no longer) drive.

But he has the audacity to say that he doesn't have the right or power to tell a group not to put a mosque on the still open wound of ground zero.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flex your Mosquels

In the debate about the proposed mosque at the heart of ground zero I can't but notice that just about every report or interview or speech in favor of the mosque has a muslim component to it. Somewhere in the background there is always a muslim name or middle eastern organization hiding behind American names.

Not so with those opposed to the mosque.

One would think that with 1.5 billion muslims in the world (and many of them in the United States) that at least one muslim name would support the idea that the mosque be moved to a less offensive location. Apparently that isn't happening.

Everyone agrees that they have a perfect right to put a mosque wherever the local zoning allows a house of worship. Common sense, however, dictates that others' sensitivities should be taken into consideration when exercising one's rights in a fashion that pokes everyone else in the eye. The universally held muslim position is that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam a claim akin to saying that the crusades had nothing to do with Christianity.

At the very least, if muslims can't agree that the mosque should be moved, they should have the good sense to get out of the limelight and disengage themselves from the debate. To instead try to justify the new community center by characterizing it as a means of reconciling Islam with the rest of the civilized world, as a bridge to peace, as a road to the recognition of our common humanity, is just so much self-serving sophistry.

Either they are fools, or they are coldblooded realpolitikers, attempting to brazenly challenge, intimidate and subdue the opposition.

Monday, August 16, 2010

It Must be my Cologne

i ws in the city the other day with Lovey. We went into an establishment to check on the timing of something, and then left, as we were too early.

As we left, I noticed that they had some revolving doors. The one we exited from had very wide partitions, and there was more than enough room for two people to walk through it side by side.

As we went through this door, I commented to Lovey that it is strange, but there is a revolving door that one must go through to get into my office building where I work. For some reason, on more that a few occasions, the people was with when entering or exiting the building felt compelled to join me in the much smaller partitions, which makes for a difficult if not uncomfortable litte trip through the door.

We then returned to that same establishment a little while later, but we went approached a normal sized revolving door. As I prepared to enter the partition alone, a woman on her cell phone stepped in to the partition with me!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

17 Pounds

I am indebted to one of my two lovely daughters-in-law for the idea for the following story.

This past weekend we were five adults, one child and one baby.

When I got home from work, I found that someone had shopped for the weekend meals and I discovered grapes (red and green), cherries strawberries and blueberries lurking on the counters. They had come from a store that I generally disdain, mainly because of this very issue - the size of the units they are sold in. I did a quick calculation, adding up all the various items and discovered to my horror that we had a full 17 pounds of assorted fruits and berries that had to be eaten in a few days because there wasn't enough room in the refrigerator to contain all that bulk.

Whipping out my trusty calculator, I determined that every man woman and child would have to consume 2.429 pounds each in order to prevent any spoilage. It seems to me that a normal person doesn't eat much more than about 1 lb of food at a meal. So the entire inventory of fruit and berries would pretty much take up all the eating power among us and there wouldn't be room for eating anything else if we were to consume the produce before it rotted.

When I pointed this out to the chief multi-tasking householder here, aside from a pained look, I got an excuse about the red and green grapes being a mistake because she had asked someone to buy green grapes and red cherries and this got misinterpreted to green and red grapes and cherries.

OK, so 13 lbs.

What I hadn't seen at first were the THREE melons (they come in a net bag) each one weighing at least 4 lbs each. When were we going to eat all this?

As of now (Tuesday evening) the cherries are gone. There are more than 4 lbs of mixed grapes left acting as a force to keep the refrigerator door from closing properly. There are also about a pint of blueberries left (they don't take up too much room in the fridge). I noticed that about a pint of strawberries had become moldy yesterday and presumably were disposed of in a discreet manner, and one melon was pressed upon one of my hapless children who happened to visit at the height of the food disposal crisis.

What of the other melons you may ask? One of them is disintegrating on a kitchen counter, the other one rolling around in the fridge door already beginning to develop soft spots.

We are planning to have even more people for this weekend. I hope our multi-tasker didn't ask the produce truck to stop in our driveway before going on to Costco.