Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Country

Even though i was planning to basically make this a cooking blog, I have succumbed to the pressures of the readership ( Ok, One reader) and shall expand the repertoire.

Since I am now at home during the day,  I have noticed some interesting things that are going on around the house.

The first thing I noticed is that there is a really really brave ( and foolish) woodchuck who has re-invaded the hole that I gassed and sealed up last year. As I went past my window this morning, I saw him standing there on his hind legs, like a sailor at sea, surveying the endless undulation of the waves. Needless to say, my greeting to him was not Ahoy. 

Later int he day I discovered, to my growing chagrin, that it appears that a woodpecker has decided to confuse old siding for a tree, and he is drilling on the house with his head attempting to make a nest.  

This birdbrain did not even get the benefit of a greeting, as I only heard the sound, and need to determine where on the house he is looking to put in his annex.

Stay tuned to see how Little House in the Woods turns out. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What's to Eat?

OK folks, before you all go and get cozy in your recliners waiting for more updates or pithy comments on the Cardiac Condition, I just want to remind you of a few things.

1.    I obsess about waffles
2.    The first waffle quest was for the effect FAT FREE waffle
3.    I now must eat FAT FREE

so, putting it all together, you can assume that WE ARE GOING ON ANOTHER QUEST to find the perfect fat free waffle, since that is what i now have to eat, along with seaweed and cardboard.

Now my schedule tells me that i need to take a nap, so I have to go.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back Again, AND Alive B"H

As many of you dear readers are by now no doubt aware, I had a small cardiac event followed by some additional, far more significant surgery.

As I now have nothing but time on my hands, as well as a new source of material, I really should write every day.

That doesn't mean I will, but you should check and see.