Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hippy Bread

My sisters have been after me for some time to change my diet further than I have already done. bad enough that I have given up cookies, cakes, eggs, meat, gefilte fish, egg challah, liver, etc etc, now they want to take away sugar and bread as well.

So I have been resisting, while tweaking the diet (using whole wheat, splenda, and natural sugars and olive oil spray) but that doesn't seem to be enough to satisfy these food vigilantes. So today I broke down completely in Trader Joe's.

Yes, I have succumbed to purchase what is known in my family ( or referring to the Detroit branch of vigilantes) as "Hippy Bread."

Not only does it make me feel like I am in the 60's, with sprouted bread ( I can't even believe I just WROTE that), but the  Ezekiel 4:9?, on the packaging?, as the name of the bread?????? This is beyond  belief.

I give up.

Doesn't taste bad, though......

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Whose Army Are They In?

I just saw the video of the protest in Israel against the new policy of Yeshiva Bochurim being drafted into the army. It was very enlightening. It was also the best proof as to why some of these kids SHOULD be in the army. throwing rocks at other Yidden doing their job, pushing garbage containers at police on horses and lighting other garbage containers on fire is NOT the way a yeshiva Bochur acts.

The video was chopped up, but it looked as if the police were showing tremendous restraint for most of the video. These boys clearly have too much energy and they are not channeling it into learning.

let them fight a common enemy instead of their brothers.