Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Israel Here I Come

So I decided that I would like to visit Stretch, who is currently hanging (wearing?) his hat in the Holyland. Tickets are not cheap now, unless you fly via the Third World, so I decided to look for an alternative. 

Now a few years ago i got  a HAS card which is supposed to be good for Israel , and easy bonus  trips.  I figured they must be serious because they use a picture of the Kotel on their cards. 

However, recently I got a letter Fron them stating  that I am starting to lose points. So I decided that it is time to see if I can get a free ticket to Israel, before all my efforts are wasted.  

Stay tuned, dear reader to see how this saga develops. I have a feeling it is going to be a too good to be true type of situation. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

Today is election day in New York City ( other places too, but they are not relevant to this post). I have real mixed feelings about it.

on the one hand, I have never been very complimentary to our current hizzoner, as he is affectionately referred to here as Mayor Moron due to his nannyish policies and interesting ways of making money for the city ( raise the fees and fines on everything and everyone!).

However, at least there was an outside shot during his tenure that businesses would be able to survive and function somewhat in the City. he was, after all, a businessman first with a clear love for this City. Wow, I feel a bit nostalgic and miss him a little bit already. mostly because of the disaster that is coming down the pike if the polls are even close to correct.

We are going from a businessman with a Napoleon complex who wants to tell you what to do to a flat out communist professional politician. Someone who talks about income inequality in New York City. ( Huh? I thought that was why people came to New York in the first place, to MAKE MONEY and better themselves, unlimited opportunity, etc. etc.) he will send us back to the days of Dinkins, when lawlessness ruled and anarchy prevailed. Not to mention what will happen to the incomes of the middle class. Some have said that he will move back to the middle once elected, so he either is a liar or committed to destroying this City. Not really very good choices either way.

Be afraid,

Be very afraid

Sunday, November 3, 2013


The title says it all.  The question is, all about what. It could be that I am FINALLY posting something again. However, dear reader, although that seems to make sense, it is not completely true. The real reason for the "finally" of the title is that after YEARS of trying, we FINALLY, in the good doctor's  test kitchens, have found the BEST fat free


Yes indeed, dear patient follower, I decided that blueberry yogurt would be the key, I searched online, liked a recipe I saw, tried it and gave it to the official taster, who truly wanted to have nothing to do with it.  However , I prevailed in convincing her to taste it and she agreed with me. Light, airy, sweet, crunchy. Wonderful. 

However, in keeping with Boo's style, she did add 

After three years, it's about time!