Friday, October 29, 2010

Mayor Moron, Meet the Mother of Myopic Meandering

I really can't decide who is the bigger self serving hypocrite, Mayor Moron or Christine Quinn.

Our dear mayor has now decided that he is in FAVOR of term limits, and now the people of the City of New York can be trusted to make the right decision, when during the last election, they couldn't be. His reasoning? We were at a difficult time in the City. Like we weren't right after 9/11, when Mayor Giuliani was forced to leave due to term limits. There truly is no end to this guy's hubris.

However, now we have Christine Quinn giving Mike a run for his money ( which is really saying something) when it comes to flat out hypocrisy and stupidity.

This purported leader of New York, and ostensibly ALL its citizens, has decided to think with her, well,not her head. She had publicly come out ( ooh, poor choice of words there perhaps) and criticized the district attorney, who, in his capacity as a professional prosecutor, has decided that there is NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE to waste the taxpayers money on a trial that he, in his professional opinion, CANNOT WIN.

The District Attorney knows what he needs to obtain a conviction, and he clearly felt that he did not have enough of the elements necessary in the horrific case up in the Bronx to win against ALL of the people arrested. So he dropped the case against A FEW of them, while continuing against the MAJORITY of the men arrested.

Now this is not good enough for that fool, who obviously feels that anyone arrested in the City is guilty, or if they are arrested for a crime that SHE feels strikes too close to home, the DA should waste time, money and resources to pursue a case he knows he cannot win. Then she says he OWES it to the LG (and some other letters I didn't recognize what they stood for when I heard them ) community to send this to a Grand Jury.

What about owing to all the other millions and millions of New Yorkers not to waste time, money and resources, as well as the following the law, and pursuing justice?? This obviously does not factor into Quinn's thought process.

And she wants to be Mayor?? Frightening, but somehow it fits.

Monday, October 25, 2010

6,000. Wow

Here we are hitting another milestone. As you can see from the last one, I now write a post so we know when we get 1,000 more hits, with the goal being to have to write one of these every day or so.
Well, a quick check on our inspiration shows that we are now only approximately 3,380 behind the good folks over at Carwash , who I probably should not link if I want to pass, but I can always spend days just hitting my own site over and over.

considering it took over 100 days to go 1,000 hits, that is less than ten a day. And this is even after I post the addresss and hand it out to people. What is this, folks are actually busy with life that they can't take the time to check out our pearls of wit and wisdom? Well obviously, if you are reading this I am preaching to the choir, so what is the point of ranting here? None.

I shall have to take an ad out in the local papers, or sign anonymously with my website.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cousins Are Useful

Back in June of last year, I posted about the clock in my car, and my cousin who fixed it for me. (Here it is) .

So I took this same smiling cousin home from the City this week, this time in my regular car, ( he has the same model) which clock works quite well. However, I had recently gotten a new phone, and it was messing up the built in bluetooth.

Well, not two minutes after he realized the issue, he had my phone synced back up with my car, and was well into changing the settings on the phone to make it more efficient.

I need to take him with me more often.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Father Knows Best

On the first night of the past holiday, the power went out right as the holiday began. This led to me refusing to open the fridge, since I was not sure how long the power would be out, and as it was the beginning of the holiday, all the food was in there and I did not want to have everything potentially spoiled.

This then led to Soupeater engaging in somewhat constant discussions with my crew ( Bug, Stretch, Ace and Boo) as to the merits of refrigeration and what he sees as the knee jerk reaction to refrigerate everything immediately. (I won’t give my opinion as to WHY he feels this way so strongly, that if for him to share.) I sort of agreed with the kids that there are merits to not having food spoil, and that spoiled food is not necessarily the best thing for you, but pretty much stayed out of it.

Well, I have to say that I was wrong.

I made a coffee in my office last night before I went home. I make it in a travel mug, so it stays warm the whole way home. However, I forgot it in the car last night. Now I do this regularly in the winter, and have ice coffee ( with a layer of ice on top) in the mornings, but I don’t usually try this any other time of the year. So I went out this morning to get my mug and clean it out. However, when I opened the mug, expecting to see curdled coffee that smelled of cottage cheese, I was surprised to see, smell and then taste a perfectly good coffee.

I am drinking it as I write this. Hopefully I won’t be out of commission for a few weeks later on….

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Last Funeral

Louis Hirsch and Son, the place that I have known all my life as the portal through which the members of our congregation pass on their way to the next world, has indeed itself passed on. This ancient institution which was referred to phonetically as "heershoonzone" (accent on the first syllable) by everyone I knew, is going out of business as of September 22.

The property has been sold to a developer. I don't know the details, but it's obvious that it's worth more than what can be earned from conducting funerals. And this in a bombed out section of the Bronx like Jerome Avenue and 167th Street. In all the years of the neighborhood's downward spiral, despite the proximity of Yankee Stadium and still marvelous apartment buildings lining Jerome Avenue with their 1920's art deco style, I have not known it to improve by even one iota.

A source close to the current owners of the funeral parlor told me, maybe 15 years ago, that the revenues they earned in January of any year, covered all the expenses of the subsequent 11 months. This same source now told me that there was no money in the funeral business, and in fact, averred that just recently he had been there and that there was not even one corpse in their morgue. How far they have fallen. There used to be a full complement of bodies lying around anytime we came to be there.

The day before Hirsch and Sons was scheduled to close, unfortunately, we attended a funeral there for the mother of a dear friend. The woman had been quite old and out of her social orbit for a long time so the funeral was not very well attended. I remember other funerals where a second chapel had to be opened to accommodate a large throng that overflowed even the second chapel. I recalled the groups of people waiting at the corners of 181st Street for the bus to take them to the funeral home and the busses arriving directly in front of it to disgorge a crowd of eager mourners.

These four walls evoked many memories of our departed relatives and friends whose final leave-taking took place here. I couldn't help but speculate on the finality represented by this funeral.

May it truly be the last funeral.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Only 25 more days.....

The new employment numbers came out today. So putting aside all the positive spin that the sick liberal media continues to spout, it doesn't look good for the administration and the democrats.

However, what I find most telling as to the complete failure of the left is that the public sector lost jobs. This means that the stimulus money, which went mostly to public works and governments, did absolutely nothing to spur economic growth. As soon as the money ran out, so did the jobs, with no lasting benefit.

Let's hope that the American people express their extreme displeasure for the inept regime in November

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mar & Venus? You Bet

I never really bought into the gender gap thing to such an extent, as all the people in my family are pretty much knowledgeable of a wide range of things (girls know what a football is (oblong ball used in fall) and guys know what a flat iron is ( its for hair)) .

I was wrong.

I was listening to the baseball playoffs at work. Texas Rangers against Tampa Bay Rays. A woman ( in her defense, she has no brothers) walked in and said " Oh, Football". I asked her how she came to that wonderful conclusion. She informed me that she heard the announcer say Rangers, and she knew that there was a New York football team called the Rangers.

I looked at her and informed her that there is a New York team called the Rangers, but they play hockey. I felt that to point out that there are never football games played on Wednesday afternoon was overkill.

Its not a gap, sometimes its a chasm.