Friday, October 29, 2010

Mayor Moron, Meet the Mother of Myopic Meandering

I really can't decide who is the bigger self serving hypocrite, Mayor Moron or Christine Quinn.

Our dear mayor has now decided that he is in FAVOR of term limits, and now the people of the City of New York can be trusted to make the right decision, when during the last election, they couldn't be. His reasoning? We were at a difficult time in the City. Like we weren't right after 9/11, when Mayor Giuliani was forced to leave due to term limits. There truly is no end to this guy's hubris.

However, now we have Christine Quinn giving Mike a run for his money ( which is really saying something) when it comes to flat out hypocrisy and stupidity.

This purported leader of New York, and ostensibly ALL its citizens, has decided to think with her, well,not her head. She had publicly come out ( ooh, poor choice of words there perhaps) and criticized the district attorney, who, in his capacity as a professional prosecutor, has decided that there is NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE to waste the taxpayers money on a trial that he, in his professional opinion, CANNOT WIN.

The District Attorney knows what he needs to obtain a conviction, and he clearly felt that he did not have enough of the elements necessary in the horrific case up in the Bronx to win against ALL of the people arrested. So he dropped the case against A FEW of them, while continuing against the MAJORITY of the men arrested.

Now this is not good enough for that fool, who obviously feels that anyone arrested in the City is guilty, or if they are arrested for a crime that SHE feels strikes too close to home, the DA should waste time, money and resources to pursue a case he knows he cannot win. Then she says he OWES it to the LG (and some other letters I didn't recognize what they stood for when I heard them ) community to send this to a Grand Jury.

What about owing to all the other millions and millions of New Yorkers not to waste time, money and resources, as well as the following the law, and pursuing justice?? This obviously does not factor into Quinn's thought process.

And she wants to be Mayor?? Frightening, but somehow it fits.

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