Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New and Old Blogs I've seen and Mazal Tovs

Mazal Tov to our good friends over at Guess Who's Coming to Dinner upon the engagement of their son. Funny how this comes a day after I discovered a new blog, sons in the parsha.  It seems new, and there isn't much there yet, but who knows, it might develop into something as good as Daughters in the parsha, which I wish would post more often.

Now back to my donuts.

Monday, November 26, 2012

what next?

It's pretty obvious to all that the Israeli cease fire is not even viable as a temporary solution. To leave the battlefield without disarming the enemy is foolhardy and will be costly to the cause of Israeli security. There are still plenty of rockets in Gaza if all the numbers bandied about -even discounted for massive exaggeration- by the various combatants and sympathizers are realistic.

The situation is clouded by the strange way in which this cease fire has been negotiated. Hamas has made its demands but Israel has not dealt with Hamas but only with Egypt who doesn't have much sway with Hamas either. So who knows what Israel has really agreed to with Egypt? Or, for that matter, what Hamas has agreed to. They stopped firing rockets so Israel stopped air raids. Nothing has changed.

Is it really credible that Israel would stop its blockade? No more credible than that Israel is planning suicide.

Years ago, I supported the pullout from Gaza believing, in my naivete, that once Gaza was a foreign country, it would no longer be an Israeli problem. I was too trusting.

The fact is that the inhabitants of Gaza and their leaders are hard core liars and thieves and I wouldn't trust any one of them to tell me the correct time of day. So where do we go from here?  It wasn't good when Gaza was part of  Israel and it's even worse now that it isn't. There are between one-and-a-half and two million savages living there who are answerable to no one and understand only overwhelming force.

We can't get rid of them, but we must bring them to heel. A ground invasion would have been the best solution.

A word about Israel's propaganda war. Take a look at how the Arabs handle any question that is asked of them. Did they fire rockets? It's Israel's fault. Did they try to infiltrate Israel? It's Israel's fault. Did they bomb the bus in Tel Aviv? It's Israel's fault. They stay on message and don't really say very much.

On the other hand, the Israelis are the biggest blabbermouths with their high minded, moralistic boastful blather. We do surgical strikes! We can pinpoint an ant at 30 miles! We have the Iron Dome! We protect civilian lives! We are the greatest! We wouldn't deliberately hurt an arab civilian! We are so good we even shoot ourselves so as not to hurt our enemies!

They are incapable of characterizing their conflict except in terms of they being the smartest, the best, the most humane, etc. What they should say is that all their enemies are bloodthirsty savages; men women and children, that they do their best to avoid mass killings of civilians, but, this is war and in war people get hurt.

Too bad.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Green Friday 2012 part 2

After a night filled with dreams of more sales and purchases in the morning, it was off to walmart (again!0 to see if we could actually get in to the store. As it was late ( almost 8AM) there was no line to get in to the store, and the aisles weren't too crowded either.  However, the drawback is most of the items i was looking for were no longer available. But I still got some of the items that were not as popular.

Then it was off to the mall to see what was going on there. Best Buy was, as usual, out of flyers or anyone who knew anything, crowded, but with no people who were actually checking out. 

A run through the usual suspects brought in the usual items, ( MORE CROCK POTS!) but nothing really exciting. Then a trip to Kohl's rounded out the days fun.

All in all, there was nothing unexpected, and we arrived home with a trunk full of stuff.

most of it for Lovey to return this week. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Green Friday 2012 part 1

So I went decided to start by Black Friday Shopping earlier this years, as the stores had all decided to accommodate me in quest for the perfect find. Last year's big score was a grill at Home Depot that wasn't even advertised. So off my went, with joy in my heart, to start the holiday season shopping.

What a disappointment.

The first stop was, where else, Walmart. I went before 10 to a store that was open all day. When I got there, the parking lot was full, as to be expected. However, there was a line being controlled by security, which was not expected, and the wait was an hour, which was REALLy not expected.  So after a quick stop at the Soupy's to say hi, it was off to Sears to see what wonderful offerings they had.

I now understand why Sears is in such trouble.  If you decide to shop there, bring your flyer. First, they make you wait on line by electronics to see a sales rep, who disappeared after five seconds. This was when there was no longer any kind of crowd in the section. Then, when I finally find the stuff from the flyer, its a different brand. finally, I go to check out. One person in front of me. a half hour. I asked to look at one of the doorbuster electronics to see if i wanted it, and the security guy by the gated storage bin housing these items tells me he isn't allowed to take it out until it is paid for, he knows nothing about the product, and apparently, he is also not allowed to look down and read the specs off the box for me either.

So the first items rings up, correctly. the next item rings up at the regular price. i tell the clerk that it is on sale. she takes the flyer, shows it to a manager,they have a discussion, and I get the sale price. The next three items repeat this scenario.

Now I am pretty careful when I shop to (a) know the prices, and (b) keep an eye on the staff when they ring it up, but I assume not all people do. In a major store like Sears you would assume that they would program their computers to accurately reflect what the sales are, and not try to cheat you by making you  check that they charging you correctly.

However, I shall nevertheless persevere and shop today as well. I shall let you know how THAT goes.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nuremberg, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki......

You should shortly hear from the good doctor about food and shopping so I will talk about what weighs heavily on my mind right now.

After reading  Ban Ki Moon's idiotic and insipid remarks about the situation in Israel, I can't even think of food  fearing  it would cause me to throw-up. He reiterates his dogma that the most important issue in the middle east is the safety of civilians, not the root causes of the danger to civilians. And how many innocent civilians are there on the Gaza side? Every one of them supports their terrorist regime, women, children, and old people as well.

Hamas is like a little dog that keeps snapping at a big person's legs and when the person administers a strong kick to the dog and sends him flying, the dog cowers in a corner, but keeps barking. And all the bystanders feel sorry for the dog and think the kick was too hard. I'm not sure what is appropriate for such a dog but if the person he is threatening wants to be rid of the threat, only a strong reaction will do the trick.

Just because Hamas' rockets aren't very accurate or reliable doesn't mitigate the fact that the intention is to harm and to maim as many Israeli citizens as possible. So when Israeli ordnance is superior and more effective, there is no reason to claim that the reaction is inappropriate. Ban must think that if the death score is tied, it's a fair war, otherwise the one with the fewest casualties is the aggressor.

A lesson learned from the second world war is that when fighting a fanatic enemy like the Japanese or the Nazis, the only way to win the war is to inflict massive civilian casualties, convincing the people to withdraw their support for the war effort, for their leaders, and most of all for trust in their false gods who apparently cannot save them from destruction. That's why we bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and Nuremberg. It did the trick.

Hamas is no less fanatic nor are their citizens.


I love Boo.

She really is the best.  As the Chanuka season is upon us, I decided to continue the quest for the perfect fat free substitutes for the foods I love, and make donuts.  So I fooled around with some recipe that takes aver two hours to prepare, as you need to let the dough rise twice, and finally baked them.  The last rising didn't go so well so they were more like puffy cookies than donuts, so I put on some glaze, then added chocolate to the remaining glaze to make black and whites, and  gave them to Lovey and Boo to taste.

Lovey wasn't impressed. At all.

However, Boo, who can be the most brutal of critics ( but to be fair, that is usually early in the morning), smiled and said that not only were they really good, they even tasted like Dunkin Donuts!

She is the best.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Back to Food and Other Things

So throughout the last few months when I have not been able to bring myself to write since I would have had to vent about all the crap going on with with the media and politics, I have been very busy cooking and learning more about cooking. Although I haven't posted anything, I do have pictures and I fully plan to do so as soon as I upload the pics from my phone to my computer.

For a quick preview, though, i will tell you that I have made and tweaked cinnamon and chocolate buns, eggs, sushi and granola bars.


and green Friday is coming up, I am soooo excited.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Future is Now

Someone commented that they are sick of all this election stuff and we (I) should all move on. You may have all noticed that this blog was silent about all thing election ( and most other things too, really) up until yesterday.

The point that I am making here has nothing to do with the election, and everything to do with the future, as well as my opinion of the current population of this country as it relates to that future. My view of this future goes from bleak to miserable, but I will explain all that in the future.

So for now I will just remind all of you to check back here often, for an unvarnished view of the truth.

Election Results

I now have something in common with the wife of our fearless leader.

I am embarrassed to be an American today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I have not written because of the hurricane. That would work for the last week, but not really before. The truth is I had much to say about the election, but decided not to rant here. Please go vote. If you vote, vote for Romney. If you plan to vote for Obama, stay home. This country cannot survive four more years of Obama, and if he wins, he might try to do away with the constitution and congress completely, as he has shown both a lack of understanding of the constitution and a complete disregard for the role of Congress in our government.