Wednesday, June 29, 2011

YES! ( Finally)

So since the one reader I actually know that I have was wondering what happened after my previous post , here is the follow up.

After the judge would n0t hear the application for another day, and told us that, the clerk suggested the tenant go and fill out a form indicating that she couldn't come.

I went back to court on the scheduled day, and the judge remembered the case, and due to my efforts at cooperation, granted another day for the tenant, but included the condition I had requested as a prerequisite to any future adjournments. So it all worked out.

I need to put up more cliffhanger, apparently.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh Say Can You See...

I went to West Point last night.

The United States Military Academy Band holds concerts there throughout the year but during the summer months, they hold them weekly on a promontory overlooking the Hudson River; truly one of the most scenic views in New York State. High, leafy, mountains border the river which some have likened to the terrain along the Rhine in Germany. The area is suitably named the Hudson Highlands. This is where Benedict Arnold betrayed his fledgling country when, while serving as commandant of West Point, he agreed to surreptitiously weaken the defenses of the fort and to lower the chain blocking the river giving the British access to the upper Hudson.

We have been attending these concerts for decades. Entering the grounds of the United States' premier military academy always evinced a rush of pride and patriotism not least because of the massive gothic structures therein and its commanding position above the river, but also because of the knowledge that this was the seat of the armed might of what is currently the mightiest nation on earth.

Pride in the fundamental decency of the founding fathers, pride in the system of meritocracy, pride in the equality of opportunity, pride in the might of our armed forces and the restraint with which they are used, pride in our innovation and technical supremacy.

But last night, among all the beauty and magical setting, despite the fairyland atmosphere of the base, I didn't feel this surge of excitement.

How can I feel proud when the president of my country is more engaged in promoting the savagery of militant islam than in alleviating the plight of homeowners about to lose their property?

How can I feel proud when the governor of my state is more engaged in promoting a depraved way of life than in creating jobs for the unemployed?

How can I feel proud when the mayor of a nearby major city puts his political capital on the line in favor of the homosexual agenda when the city's businesses are reeling from his social engineering experiments?

How can I feel proud when our local administrations use public money to fund pet projects that the voters clearly rejected while squeezing the life out of the homeowning taxpayers?

This is still the freest country on earth but our leaders are pointing us in the direction of slavery. If we do not react to the wave of publicly directed depravity, we will have become slaves to our most perverted desires and immoral behavior

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I know I have posted on the Courts and judges in the past. The beauty is they are a constant source of material.

I had a tenant call me recently telling me she couldn't make a date for next week. I told her I would be in Court the next day, and she should meet me there, perhaps we could work out something for a mutually agreeable date.

When we got to Court, we started discussing the matter, and hit a snag, so I suggested that we put the case in front of the judge, since the issue the tenant had was over something that the judge had put in her head the previous time.

Now, this is a very busy courtroom, which handles all of one type of case, and there are specific days when general cases are heard. This day was not a general day case, and the courtroom was indeed busy.

So the judge calls the case, i spend about one minute explaining the issue, and all I have left to say is "we need a new date, but I need the tenant to agree to one thing."

However, before I have a chance to get this out, the judge goes on a five minute rant as to who had the audacity to put the case before her, since it isn't on the calendar, and she is TOO BUSY to deal with it, and look how crowded the courtroom is and she can't, she just cannot, under any circumstances deal with the issue.

Had she actually let me finish the ten seconds I had left, and given us 30 more seconds to straighten out the issue, all would have been resolved, but she preferred to make a five minute speech how she was too busy to do that.

We like to think that our judges, especially since they make decisions that affect lives, would be more than just pencil pushing bureaucrats, but alas

Maybe this post belongs on the other site....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Once again, I am happy to see that SOMEONE checks this site, and then sends me nasty comments as to why haven't I posted anything lately.

My snarky answer is "if I got a comment ON THE BLOG once in a while, to know that there are still people out there interested....". However, the sad truth is that I have been very busy, and by the time I have my pithy comments and observations all ready to go, it is, like, three in the morning, and I am not by a computer. More likely I am tossing and turning in bed, wishing the soundtrack in my head would quiet down, and come back in the morning, which, of course, it never does. Until the NEXT night at three in the morning.

Which leads me to the issue of snoring, or my being accused of it on a somewhat regular basis.
I don't think i snore, I have never heard myself snore, no one has taped me, and i am not in the habit of taping myself. However, very often, around four o'clock, shortly after falling asleep following the tossing and turning episode, with an entire blog written in my head, I am rudely shouted at to wake up! Allegedly due to snoring.

My response to that is, of course, I WASN'T SNORING! followed by the observation, that even if I had been, since it will now take about three hours for my heart to stop racing, there is little chance of me falling back to sleep, and therefore, little chance of me allegedly snoring again.

However, the entire snoring debate was succinctly put into perspective for me the other day, when I was talking to someone and commented that I am usually tired. Without knowing the real reason (being woken up) that person said to me " Do you snore, no, let me rephrase that, do OTHERS TELL YOU that you snore?"

I guess the denial is not just on my end, but with most or all snorers.

I hope this hasn't put you to sleep, but if it has, please do so quietly!