Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Once again, I am happy to see that SOMEONE checks this site, and then sends me nasty comments as to why haven't I posted anything lately.

My snarky answer is "if I got a comment ON THE BLOG once in a while, to know that there are still people out there interested....". However, the sad truth is that I have been very busy, and by the time I have my pithy comments and observations all ready to go, it is, like, three in the morning, and I am not by a computer. More likely I am tossing and turning in bed, wishing the soundtrack in my head would quiet down, and come back in the morning, which, of course, it never does. Until the NEXT night at three in the morning.

Which leads me to the issue of snoring, or my being accused of it on a somewhat regular basis.
I don't think i snore, I have never heard myself snore, no one has taped me, and i am not in the habit of taping myself. However, very often, around four o'clock, shortly after falling asleep following the tossing and turning episode, with an entire blog written in my head, I am rudely shouted at to wake up! Allegedly due to snoring.

My response to that is, of course, I WASN'T SNORING! followed by the observation, that even if I had been, since it will now take about three hours for my heart to stop racing, there is little chance of me falling back to sleep, and therefore, little chance of me allegedly snoring again.

However, the entire snoring debate was succinctly put into perspective for me the other day, when I was talking to someone and commented that I am usually tired. Without knowing the real reason (being woken up) that person said to me " Do you snore, no, let me rephrase that, do OTHERS TELL YOU that you snore?"

I guess the denial is not just on my end, but with most or all snorers.

I hope this hasn't put you to sleep, but if it has, please do so quietly!


Stuart said...

you should consider going to a sleep study. Perhaps you have sleep appenia (sp) which keeps you from getting a good night sleep. Snoring is a symptom. Good Sam has a clinic.

fil said...

Why do most people take umbrage when being told that they snore? If someone told you that you blink or crease your forehead, would that bother you?

When I was told I snore, my reaction was, "Well fine and good. I wasn't aware of it since I am usually fast asleep when it happens." Other than that, I was then able to state categorically on my CV, "I snore."

Dipsy said...

I agree with Stuart, if you are always tired and others tell you that you usually snore you should speak with your internist about it. Of course being up until 3 am every night would make even non-snorers tired.