Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I know I have posted on the Courts and judges in the past. The beauty is they are a constant source of material.

I had a tenant call me recently telling me she couldn't make a date for next week. I told her I would be in Court the next day, and she should meet me there, perhaps we could work out something for a mutually agreeable date.

When we got to Court, we started discussing the matter, and hit a snag, so I suggested that we put the case in front of the judge, since the issue the tenant had was over something that the judge had put in her head the previous time.

Now, this is a very busy courtroom, which handles all of one type of case, and there are specific days when general cases are heard. This day was not a general day case, and the courtroom was indeed busy.

So the judge calls the case, i spend about one minute explaining the issue, and all I have left to say is "we need a new date, but I need the tenant to agree to one thing."

However, before I have a chance to get this out, the judge goes on a five minute rant as to who had the audacity to put the case before her, since it isn't on the calendar, and she is TOO BUSY to deal with it, and look how crowded the courtroom is and she can't, she just cannot, under any circumstances deal with the issue.

Had she actually let me finish the ten seconds I had left, and given us 30 more seconds to straighten out the issue, all would have been resolved, but she preferred to make a five minute speech how she was too busy to do that.

We like to think that our judges, especially since they make decisions that affect lives, would be more than just pencil pushing bureaucrats, but alas

Maybe this post belongs on the other site....


big sis said...

don't you want to be a judge?

Dipsy said...

you never finish your stories did she set a new court date or just ranted and moved on?