Wednesday, June 29, 2011

YES! ( Finally)

So since the one reader I actually know that I have was wondering what happened after my previous post , here is the follow up.

After the judge would n0t hear the application for another day, and told us that, the clerk suggested the tenant go and fill out a form indicating that she couldn't come.

I went back to court on the scheduled day, and the judge remembered the case, and due to my efforts at cooperation, granted another day for the tenant, but included the condition I had requested as a prerequisite to any future adjournments. So it all worked out.

I need to put up more cliffhanger, apparently.

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

it worked out but it sounds like you had to go back to court an extra time (thought you n=may have been there anyway) so her not granting you 30 took a whole other morning of your time. Sometimes you wonder if our judges have any good judgement at all! But I guess you got your prerequisite so that is in your favor.