Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to Beat Hunger for Free

Ace is worried.

I can't really blame her. With all the others gone for the month, we are officially in slow down mode. This means that once the weekend leftovers are gone, food is whatever can be defrosted from the freezer. Since neither Lovey or me are that particular, supper could very well be a frozen pretzel. Period.

We have been informed that she intends to be out all the time. (I think we have gotten to the lofty position of being able to embarrass her even when it is just her and us in the house alone. I defy all you other parents of teenagers to attain that level! We are the ALPHA GEEKS!!!!!) And once she is with other people, I guess she can hang around until someone offers to feed her. We just ask her to bring us something back from them.

So if my sisters are reading this, I prefer my steak medium well.

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

summer to me is simple suppers and with only my younger kids home that is real easy