Friday, May 2, 2014


The fuss being made over the unlamented demise of Clayton D. Lockett in an Oklahoma death chamber shows how far into madness the world has descended.

Lockett, who shot, raped and buried alive a 19 year old girl and outlived his victim by almost 15 years was an unrepentant brute, who, even on the day of his execution, had to be violently restrained by his prison keepers.

Apparently, his death was a bit painful, but swift enough. He was seen to writhe and clench his teeth, perhaps at the prospect of imminent death or maybe only in response to the drugs that killed him,.

Nevertheless, the whole panoply of liberal activists who usually come out of the woodwork in such circumstances, feel there is something wrong with the way death is administered to convicted murderers. Even our president got into the act by suggesting that the Attorney General look into the matter, clearly overreaching his authority. Did Lockett's victim meet a kinder, gentler, death. Was it less painful to be shot and then buried alive, in pain from the bullet and slowly asphyxiating as the earth piled up on her and snuffed out her life?

The ultimate irony is that many of these same protesters feel it alright to murder - nay encourage the practice - unborn babies in the name of womens' rights while at the same time worrying  about a beast like Lockett, without a shred of remorse for his innocent victim.

Something is rotten not only in the state of Denmark but in the rest of the world as well