Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mar & Venus? You Bet

I never really bought into the gender gap thing to such an extent, as all the people in my family are pretty much knowledgeable of a wide range of things (girls know what a football is (oblong ball used in fall) and guys know what a flat iron is ( its for hair)) .

I was wrong.

I was listening to the baseball playoffs at work. Texas Rangers against Tampa Bay Rays. A woman ( in her defense, she has no brothers) walked in and said " Oh, Football". I asked her how she came to that wonderful conclusion. She informed me that she heard the announcer say Rangers, and she knew that there was a New York football team called the Rangers.

I looked at her and informed her that there is a New York team called the Rangers, but they play hockey. I felt that to point out that there are never football games played on Wednesday afternoon was overkill.

Its not a gap, sometimes its a chasm.

1 comment:

FBB said...


My seven year old daughter, who has a brother all of four months old, got off the school bus, came inside and said:

"the bus driver was listening to the yankee game."

Now, granted it wasn't the yankees game, but it was baseball, and I was duly proud.

I have a feeling that there are some members of both your extended family, and even this very blog! who could have had that exact conversation with you. Males.