Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Watch Your SHTEP

Maybe its genetics, or passed down from my baby nurse.

For years my aunt had over an old friend of the family. As she got on in years, I assumed her eyesight was not a sharp as it had been when she was younger, and she must have had some issues with the "shtupid shcreens" on the screen doors to get into the Sukkah. I know this because my aunt would put signs at eye level ON the screens, so that people could see that the door is closed. A brilliant idea, I thought, but not one needed for people under 70.

Now I always prided myself on my ability to realize that a door is closed, and then to open it before attempted to pass through. I also had little tolerance for those younger than me for sure, who did not seem to to able to master this feat. So I was actually quite filled with mirth when Boo failed to see that the glass door on the deck was closed and bumped into it over the holidays. And in her defense, there was no light on the deck at that point, and may not have been in the dining room either.

Well, my feelings of smugness and self worth didn't survive past Saturday night. We were invited to the Iceberg Carwash's ( The Icebergs? the Carwashes? whatever) for a little pizza and family. As I was exiting the Sukkah to go into the house, basically plowed through the screen to get inside. Aside from feeling bad that I might have ruined the door ( I didn't, cheese eater apparently beat me to it) I felt both like an idiot, and quite old ( more like an idiot, though.)

I could probably make up some excuse that I was distracted by the noise, or was trying to escape some family member, but the fact remains, I WENT THROUGH a screen door. That was closed.

I think I will make some signs for my door at home.

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

I think based on your last few posts we all need to stop forming opinions about which type of people (old, careless, etc) do certain stupid things and realize maybe they are just doing those things by accident?
It is always very humbling to find ourselves in situations that we KNEW we would never be in. Could it be your aunt had the sign on the door not necessarily just for the elderly ;)