Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Few Thoughts on the Political Landscape.

Little bit of politics, folks. I try to avoid constant preaching, but sometimes it is necessary.

1. Tea time in America?

Someone aught to tell the Republicans that now is not the time to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The party needs to become the party of inclusion. Might I say, the new democrats. For the Republican leadership to distance itself from the Tea Party candidates instead of embrace them under the umbrella of conservative thought, especially when all the energy on the right seems to come from them, seems silly at best and irresponsible at worst.

The time is ripe for a major shift in the house and senate, it just has to be packaged properly, and if so, I believe that there is no Democratic incumbent that is safe.

2. Hypocrite for the Ages, Mike Bloomberg

The same (alleged) brain that tells us that he can't do anything about the mosque at ground zero because it wouldn't be proper or right for him to tell anyone what to do has now come up with a scheme to limit even further the rights of smokers to light up in open air, uncontained public spaces.

Yes, smoking is bad, yes, so is second hand smoke, but just being in the general vicinity of a smoker does not mean you are inhaling second hand smoke. If this were the case, every building in New York City that had a heating system and every manufacturing plant within the five boroughs would have to shut down, since it would be spewing nasty smoke into the air, and someone somewhere might breathe it in.

I say enough already. focus on the terrorists and restoring the quality of life that affects all people all the time, like crime, homeless people, the infrastructure, and leave the greening alone.


FBB said...

He'll be happy when everyone in NY is a transfat phobe, salt phobe, smoking phobe and driving phobe. If he muscles his way to another turn as mayor, there won't be a single stretch of Broadway where you can drive your car!

Dipsy said...

this is of course about not dealing with the real issues affecting the city. It is easier to say the problems are all fixable bk "I will not allow others to harm you with their bad choices" forgetting that we would love him to limit the choices of those stealing and killing and preaching first!