Sunday, November 3, 2013


The title says it all.  The question is, all about what. It could be that I am FINALLY posting something again. However, dear reader, although that seems to make sense, it is not completely true. The real reason for the "finally" of the title is that after YEARS of trying, we FINALLY, in the good doctor's  test kitchens, have found the BEST fat free


Yes indeed, dear patient follower, I decided that blueberry yogurt would be the key, I searched online, liked a recipe I saw, tried it and gave it to the official taster, who truly wanted to have nothing to do with it.  However , I prevailed in convincing her to taste it and she agreed with me. Light, airy, sweet, crunchy. Wonderful. 

However, in keeping with Boo's style, she did add 

After three years, it's about time!