Monday, May 23, 2011

Maybe they just got the date wrong.

Two very interesting news items that I recently saw and heard pretty much sum up the state of the current presidency.

The first item is that the administration is digging up dirt on a prospective opponent. Irrespective of the the fact that the alleged opponent has stated many times he is not running, this does not prevent the Chicago street thug political tactics from surfacing once again.

The second item was an interview I heard on the radio, in which the foreign affairs expert ( worked for Kissinger and Nixon) stated that the front runner of the elections in Egypt was the Muslim brotherhood, since they were the only political party able to form under Mubarak. And one of their first orders of business will be to renege on the peace treaty with Israel. Gee, you think? Something I said would happen right after the uprising.

This, of course, does not even factor in the First Jackwagon's idiotic stance on Israel, which of course, he backtracked on the next day.

So basically it shows that we have a president who has no idea what the heck he is doing, but he sure knows how to fight dirty to keep his job.

I don't think the country can survive four more years of this.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wanna Bet?

I am going to take a definitive stand here . (Like I usually don't??...)

I am unequivocally stiting that the world will not come to an end this Weekend. I am even willing to bet with any of the doomsday believers that this is the case. The way I see it, it is a win-win situation.

In the event that I am correct, and these people who believe that all is lost this weekend are wrong, then they should pay off on the bet. The only problem will be that they have already spent all their money anticipation that they wouldn't need it past Sunday, and they have probably quit their jobs, so they will have no income coming in, and who in their right minds would hire such nut jobs going forward? But al least I would be right.

And if they are correct, Who will be around to tell me I was wrong and collect on the bet?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We have become a nation of cowards led by a man of the same bent.

Assuring the muslim world that we have no fight with Islam, begs the question. We obviously have serious differences with Islam in whose name most of the terrorist acts of the past 20 years have been perpetrated. But we also know that if we tell the truth we will be threatened and attacked by its violent believers. We have to lie to keep ourselves safe.

It's painful to stand by and wait while the White House debates how to prove the death of Bin Ladin without offending muslim "sensibilities." I suggest we declare all out war and let them be insulted. If we are to remain a great nation and if the world is to remain relatively safe, we can no longer kowtow to the "arab street" or the bombastic threats of their bullies.