Friday, December 26, 2008

Piracy IV

I can't believe this. The German government doesn't want to get involved in prosecuting pirates, nor does any other government because of the arcane (colossally stupid in my opinion) rules that apply to pirates even when caught in the act of piracy. No one wants the hassle of a trial and jurisdictional disputes.

It may keep the world's armed forces busy, but the problem of piracy isn't going to be solved anytime soon until they start killing pirates on the spot. There is a need for a new Law of the Sea convention. If you were one of these pirates released by the Germans, would you decide to give it up?

I wouldn't.

1 comment:

CaitlynA said...

The law of the sea convention says that pirates may be arrested and the courts of the state doing the seizing may determine their punishment (article 105). It sounds like your problem is not with the LOS Convention but the national law and policy. The solution is not to negotiate a new convention but to change law and policy at the national level