Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lines again

I am on line in the Costco in Brooklyn. A thought just hit me. Since I last wrote from this same Costco line, I don't think I have been to this Costco. I usually go with Lovey to the local one.

So here I am, with just one person waiting ahead of me, and since I started writing this

I was going to write the line hadn't moved, same old store, but they opened a new line and took me first. Cool.


FBB said...

no post for 10 days, and you give us this?

The public is demanding, my friend, and don't insult Costco, I love that stor. Now Walmart....go right ahead!

Doctor Uhberschnitzel said...

You were "on line" or "in line"!?!

sleepy said...

oh, oh, did someone say something? sorry i was sleeping!

i would like to second the comments of FBB above. this blog has gotten boring!

soupeater said...

to all of you who are complaining, why don't you respond to the really good stuff, the political stuff, the economic stuff and artistic stuff. At least the artistic stuff gets some comments although of the sneering kind. The other posts are ignored. Tell us what you want to read, we will try to accommodate you.