Monday, December 13, 2010

Full Service Organization

I was doing a night shift a few weeks ago. About 2 AM a call comes in off Maple Avenue, so I take the ambulance and go. I get there first and the second person there says he would have been there sooner but a deer ran into the side of his car.

We don't transport the call, and on the way back, at the corner of this street and Maple there is the deer unable to get up. Two of the other members who showed up on the call have stopped their cars on the corner and are outside looking at the deer. I pull up behind them in the ambulance for a moment and we chat about the situation.

As I am about to turn on to Maple Avenue, another car stops next to the two parked cars. I go around all the vehicles and proceed to the light and go into the left turn lane. The car that stopped after we all did then pulls up alongside the ambulance and the driver, a young guy just tooling around at 2:30 in the morning rolls down his window.

The driver asks me what's going on. I tell him that we had just had a call. He looks at me incredulously and asks

"For the deer????"


G6 said...

And what, pray tell, did you DO with the deer after that???
Inquiring minds want to know.

Dipsy said...

yes I was wondering that too.
And did all these parked cars have their lights flashing too?

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Dipsy, the lights were not on, it was AFTER the call, and we don't do that.

Stuart said...

Why didn't you just take the deer to the animal hospital?