Saturday, February 25, 2012

We Have Peace in Our Time... England or America?

And they say at least he is intelligent. I beg to differ.

So we have a mistaken burning of some religious articles during a sweep of things used for terror. The "offended" party uses this to raise a tremendous ruckus, and the President of the United States, the current occupant of the White House, the leader of the free world APOLOGIZES!!!!!

Let's analyze this. We have a bunch of hysterical fanatics who are screaming and yelling over some perceived slight, and the supposed offending party, in a mistaken believe that if they follow a policy of appeasement, it will defuse the situation, decides to apologize. Which does no good, leads to more (planned) rioting, threats against the offending country, and world sympathy.

I was just at the Holocaust museum in Washington. they have a whole section on the Nazi propaganda machine.

The Arabs have learned their lessons well.

Our Jackwagon in Chief has learned nothing.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Here's an excerpt from the news report of the latest town council meeting of Happy Valley, Grey County, TX*.

"Decline an offer from Tried and True Wireless LLC* to lease the town’s Iron Lake Pumping Station* for the installation of a cellular communications tower because of potential health hazards and detrimental impact on property values."

If I have ever seen a purer form of bovine excrement, I can't remember it.

Health hazards from a communications tower? Detrimental impact on property values? If there is any impact at all, it is miniscule in order of magnitude, like an angstrom to a light year, in comparison with the impact on property values of the multi-family housing projects that have been approved over the voters' objections, the confiscatory property taxes which threaten to make our properties unsalable, the increasing density caused by a total disregard of the zoning laws, and the myriad other expenditures which menace our homeowners with the specter of a town bankruptcy.

By the way, this was the only item, the entire night, among a host of frivolous expenditures, which, although it actually would have brought some revenue into the town, that was rejected.

I guess Tried and True* didn't pay enough to our worthy councilmen.

*Not their real names to protect both the innocent and the guilty

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I saw something truly disturbing the other day. I was driving in upper Manhattan and I passed a car from a driving school. The car had its flashers on, and appeared to be waiting for someone, probably a student.

The instructor was oriental.