Monday, February 13, 2012


Here's an excerpt from the news report of the latest town council meeting of Happy Valley, Grey County, TX*.

"Decline an offer from Tried and True Wireless LLC* to lease the town’s Iron Lake Pumping Station* for the installation of a cellular communications tower because of potential health hazards and detrimental impact on property values."

If I have ever seen a purer form of bovine excrement, I can't remember it.

Health hazards from a communications tower? Detrimental impact on property values? If there is any impact at all, it is miniscule in order of magnitude, like an angstrom to a light year, in comparison with the impact on property values of the multi-family housing projects that have been approved over the voters' objections, the confiscatory property taxes which threaten to make our properties unsalable, the increasing density caused by a total disregard of the zoning laws, and the myriad other expenditures which menace our homeowners with the specter of a town bankruptcy.

By the way, this was the only item, the entire night, among a host of frivolous expenditures, which, although it actually would have brought some revenue into the town, that was rejected.

I guess Tried and True* didn't pay enough to our worthy councilmen.

*Not their real names to protect both the innocent and the guilty

1 comment:

FBB said...

If it wouldn't make me so sad, I could laugh.