Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Green Friday 2016 Preview

So I am preparing for one of my favorite days of the year. As followers of this blog might recall, Black Friday is a special day for me. I spend hours mapping out my route, as well as looking for the items I have highlighted for the season. Each year I also add a quest, the one item that I decided  I am going to look for, but was not highlighted ( like crockpots) on all the doorbuster flyers.

Each year the stores all have the staple items: crockpots, ( which is a special item for me on black Friday as well, as the day is not complete without at least one gracing my trunk). blenders,  TVs, Computers, etc. However, occasionally there are unique items buried in plethora of goods, and they are an adventure to find,

However, this year I decided that I want a dehydrator. None of the usual suspects seem to have them as a doorbuster, so I will need to get a general percent off deal on electronics, or something like that, to get a good score. I will need to have FBB track the trend for me to see if the sale prices are really that good, or if I should wait for later in the season.  I also am looking for wireless headphones that are on sale,  and the sneaker that I wear every day.

Stay tuned for reports on the adventure.

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