Monday, January 26, 2009

barack or Hussein?

Now back to something serious, that I just GOT to get out.

I am completely perplexed by Mr. Barry Hussein, as he is lovingly referred to by a dear family member. This guy is either crafty as a fox, in following a plan to deliberately destroy this country, or he is showing himself to be the stupidest ( yes, even taking into account those who hate Bush) and naivest president in our history.

Let me explain. Three recent developments lead me to this analysis. The first is the knee jerk Executive Order to close Gitmo, and the second is his stated policy to possibly allow the states to set emission standards on their own, and the third is his decision to have his first public TV interview on ARAB television.

First, lets take the Gitmo decision. Either he is beyond naive in thinking that by closing Gitmo and saying that we will not torture criminal killers to get information will either endear us to the rest of the world ( who cry at our tactics and generally use tactics far worse themselves), or will get the terrorists to step back and say " gee, he's such a swell guy, lets just find a new satan to direct our murderous tendencies against".) Or there is another play here. Let's move on for now.

The second issue is the emissions. If he allows the states to set policy themselves, then each state will have a different set of rules for the auto companies to follow. They will have to make 50 different sets of modifications for each state, or even if he imposes more insane, stringent policies now, the auto industry will fail for sure, and this will completely destabilize the country, driving us further into a tailspin. Again, this looks like complete idiocy and naivety, to give in to a different kind of terrorist, the eco-tree hugging kind. Or there is another play here. Let's move on.

The third boneheaded decision of this great orator was to go on Arab TV and apologize for the American people. I also heard him quoted that he has the job of telling Americans that Muslims just want to be the best Muslims they can be, or some crap like that. I was under the impression that his job was to defend and protect THIS country, but what do I know, i didn't vote for the saviour. Again, this was either extremely naive, to think that the Arabs see this as a good gesture, or there is another play here.

Points one and three will of course backfire, since these people do not see compassion and decency as anything other than weakness, and I seriously fear another attack on our homeland because of it ( remember the USS Cole and Somalia, for recent examples of our public shows of weakness, which led to 9-11) Point two can only hurt this country, something that the idiotic liberals in Hollywood and Washington have to be able to get through their thick heads.

But what really concerns the conspiracy theorists, and scares me if G-d forbid, there is a shred of credibility to their rants, is that this is all planned. As part of the bigger plot to honor his ( sometimes, maybe, perhaps, but only as a child, and its only my middle name) religion, to kowtow to radicals, making their job of recruiting against us easier, and to allow for the destabilization of this country, and hand it to our enemies.

I hope I am wrong, but either way, we lose.


FBB said...

You Sir, are an idiot.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

You Ma'am, are obnoxious. Blogs are for the exchanging of ideas, not insults with nothing added as to why you feel the way you do.

That should be reserved for family gatherings

Anonymous said...

First of all there people do not pick their own middle names. I really think this is something that is harped on bk there it makes people nervous. Like Obabma's not being REALLY born on American soil. Long after it was proven wrong you still heard almost intelligent people mentioning it.
Second of all the enviornmental junk is really getting to me. Noone really wants to buy hybrid or alternative cars, they dont have the power or the strength or the size and constantly pretending that if only there were more of them available (by force) more consumers would by them is really stupid. Who is behind the environmental lobby anyway where is the money in it?

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Dipsy, this is what I am talking about, spirited discussion. True, the middle name is not picked by the child, but the actions that are raising suspicions are the actions of the man. It just reinforces the stereotype, and THAT is what scares people

FBB said...

It scares people because hey decided before he was elected that he would be terrible, and not only is he black, but he's MUSLIM! Ha! a double reason to hate him. And even though all of his picks for cabinet posts and staff positions are pragmatic and centrist, we have to assume everything he's doing is evil. after all the hand wringing during the campaign how could we possibly admit, that though he will run the country differently, he may not run it into the ground.

As far as Gitmo goes? Secret tribunals? Holding people with no charges for years? That's all OK? Torture does not neccesarily garner you correct information, just information you want to hear. As Ben Franklin put it:

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security"

Or as Obama put it:
As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our founding fathers faced with perils that we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.

soupeater said...


Very fine words of Franklin, but where do you get the idea that people caught on the battlefield fighting the US without a uniform (a capital crime) are entitled to the constitutional rights of US citizens? A constitution, I may add, that they are sworn to destroy.