Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Doctor is ( back) in

Well, I've been gone for a while, but I am finally back ( I shall now pause for the applause and accolades......., please, that's enough).

For those of you who may not know, I was abroad visiting Bug. I had a lovely time, and got to share the adventure with Lovey, even though we went separately. Travelling separately is something I recommend if you travel like me, which is with a very short fuse, and lots of grumpiness. This way, we got to enjoy the vacation part of the vacation, and not start and end it with me just screaming like a maniac. This is even with the new me, who makes an appearance from time to time, but not really when I travel.

I have to say that the trip was interesting, as my whole focal point changed, since I was going to visit a child, and my usual place of abode had been sold out from under me. I also had a car, which is definitely an adventure in Israel, as they drive worse that the Brooklynites, with a GPS that decided I should really really be somewhere in Netanya most of the time, and the rest of the time I should just turn around for the hell of it.

Spent the weekend with all the relatives who are inhabiting the land, and it was nice to catch up with them or see them in their element ( and own homes) people sure are different when they are settled.

Thanks to those who helped out for the trip, with rides, room and board for the kids, and cousins of said kids who shared their space.

Well, that's it for now, I think I better read what has been written, since I have been moderating comments for soupeater, but haven't had much chance to read anything. I took the laptop, but mostly used it to charge my blackberry since I left the charger at home.


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