Thursday, March 11, 2010

And the credit goes to...

Ah, springtime, the time of year when young people's thoughts turn to love, and Jewish women's thoughts turn to cleaning for Passover (hereinafter "Pesach" which is less letters to write from a 'berry).

Well, as I have informed you in the past, Lovey likes to clean and be neat and orderly, me, not so much. However, as I do not wish to sleep outside yet, as there is still snow, mud and cold about, I grudgingly agreed to clean my closet. Although I was not overly concerned with the possibility of finding any chametz in the closet, it was time to go through stuff that hasn't moved in almost 10 years.

So I, in good cheer and spirit, went through the entire closet, and found all kinds of interesting things, including a new, tailored suit with the tags still on it. I moved the suits that fit to one side, the ones that almost fit to the other side, the "are never going to fit again" off to Kupas Ezra, and the shirts in the middle to differentiate between the different sizes.

Why am I telling you all this, you are probably wondering at this point. I could say because oi am sitting in court waiting for a case to be called, and I have nothing else to do. However, there is a point. When I finished with the grumbling (really??? No!!) and the closet, it looked pretty good.

The next day my brother asked me if he could pick up a shirt from me, I told him "no problem, just call me when you get in to my house, and I will walk you through which shirt to take."

Now having shared a room with him, this is one person who REALLY is aware of my neatness habits, (or choice to allow stuff freedom to stay wherever it wants, as I like to call it). So while on the phone with me, he goes to my closet, opens it, and says " Wow, this is really neat "

Lovey laughed for five straight minutes when I repeated the conversation to her.


FBB said...

You're lucky you have Lovey. She's probably the type who knows how to clean up the residuals that are always left after a big "clean out." There are always one or two things, that you just.don'!

Betcha she does!

Stuart said...

How long is this going to last?

FIL said...

My wife told me last night, when I came home to a wreck, that she doesn't understand why, when she cleans up, the place gets messier.

I told her it's because she doesn't throw anything out, just moves it around