Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh, Nothing

Got a call from Bug today. Here is the transcript of the beginning of the conversation.

Bug: Hello Dr. G, steri strips are one step under stitches, right?
Dr. G: Right. Why?
Bug: No reason, I was just wondering.

Ok, this is not something that one contemplates along with the deep dark mysteries of the universe. In fact, the thought of steri strips usually NEVER crosses a person's mind unless there is a specific injury involving their use.

Upon further questioning ( actually, badgering) it turns out that there was a small need for their use. I insisted on having a picture sent to me to ensure that the damage did not appear to need additional medical attention, and then I let it go.

I wonder if this is specific to certain people, or if our kids do it to us to make us nuts. i know that getting information from Bug can be beyond difficult. to quote someone, I don't know who though the quote is apt here

"He wouldn't tell you your coat was on fire unless you asked him a direct question"

and even then, it usually involves a lot more than one question.



G6 said...

Maybe it's because you're a hysterical, overbearing, overreacting parent who blows everything out of proportion...

FBB said...

or maybe he gets from you, as this post divulges little, other than someone, possibly your son, has an injury requiring steri-strips.

what happened and who "fixed him up" are two particular details that spring to mind.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

FBB, is all that really relevant to the point of the post? I think not.

Apples and trees, not necessarily a bad thing.

FBB said...

Yes. It is relevant, because we're reading it so you should give more info instead of teasing about an "occurrence."
