Monday, June 18, 2012

They Used to Wave

I was feeling a bit nostalgic this morning as I watched Ace head off for her last official day of High School and Boo head off for her last day of Elementary School.  For many years, Lovey or I, or sometimes both of us, would stand in the street or on steps of the house waving as they pulled away, and receive a wave from the girls as the bus pulled away.

Over time, when Ace started High School, and Boo grew up and got out to the bus on her own, the tradition of seeing the girls off waned, but I  still used to watch them get on the bus from the windows inside the house. ( sometimes waving for old times sake, even if they couldn't see it. )

Finally, over the last year or so, I stopped even that, as everyone was just too busy in the morning.  However, this morning, being the last day of school, and I had a few minutes before I had to leave for work, I decided to see them off. I walked out with Ace, and saw her get on the bus from the edge of the lawn. I then repeated the procedure with Boo ( accompanied by Bug and some ripped up leaves thrown as confetti.)

I felt that it was the end of an era for both girls, legally required schooling for Ace, and childhood schooling for Boo. I felt it should indeed be marked by a parent participating in the last official day of school, similar to how it started. But I think I am the only one who gets nostalgic these days.

Alas, no one waved.


related said...

beautifully expressed with all thethings not said as well. they do not have to wave because all the past waving and accompnying conveys a security that internalizes the wave and is carried forever relatedtercer

Dipsy said...

That was beautifully written. i think the reason we get more nostalgic as we age is because we have so much to look back on. our children on the otherhand are only looking forward. either way Mazal Tov on the great milestones!