Thursday, May 12, 2016

Different Time, Same Spots

I know I said i wouldn't talk politics, but I am going to limit that to Rabid politics. This is more character analysis and press disregard depending on who is doing the talking.

I saw a sound bite on the new Tuesday of Hillary saying she would not get personal, but would keep the conversation to the issues only. I thought this was brilliant, It would prevent most of Trump's vitriol, make him look petty, and show that Hillary probably has a much better grip on her positions (she HAS positions) that Donald does.

However, I was skeptical for a number of reasons:
 First of all, she and Bill were the masters of the dirty, underhanded and nasty campaigning ( a page effectively taken by our fearless leader in his thrashing of Romney the Weak).

Secondly, I didn't think that she has the moral fiber to actually stick to such a promise. Both because she is nasty and thrives on fighting in the gutter, and because she can't keep her word.

Lastly, you can always tell when Hillary is lying, She has a wonderful Tell. Her lips move.

So I was not really that surprised when ONE DAY later, she was harping about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Last time I checked, a candidate releasing tax returns is not an issue facing the country. Just as a quick aside into this whole thing about returns. We want our politicians to release them, since we want to see how they are profiting from the public trust, such as being paid for speeches, books, etc, things they would not have access to without being politicians. I think there should be a different standard for business people who decide to go into politics, but did not make and take their money at the public trough.

So we see Hillary for what she really is, an opportunistic liar who will say anything to get elected, and can't keep her word for even one day.


1 comment:

Trump4ever said...

I agree. You are speaking the truth no one wants to say out loud.