Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A New Day Dawning? or is it blackest before the Dawn?

I have just come from my house after watching the Networks gleefully call the election for Hussein Obama. Truly a sad day for Republicans everywhere. We have a new president-elect, a man who came out of nowhere to sweep away the old guard, and usher in a new chapter in our history. One of the most disturbing things about this election was the clapping that could be heard in the background at ABC news when the anchor announced, with great gravitas, that Mr. hussein had just been projected as the winner.

I went outside with a scotch and my pipe, to take it all in, and I was amazed that life went on, the night crickets chirped, and animals rustled about in my back yard.

So for the animals of the animal variety, life does indeed go on the way it has been before, but I am very wary of the changes that are a'comin' for all the hard working people of this great country, as the Democrats, giddy with what am sure they will consider a mandate, go about dismantling all that we have built over the last 28 years, since the debacle that was Jimmy Carter was swept out of office in a landslide.

I am very concerned that the government will now take away all our hard won success, and we will be once again seen as weak on the world stage. I hope it doesn't happen. We shall see.

I just threw up. I have to go to bed.


FBB said...

I think we are already considered weak, and certainly no longer respected on the world stage.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that McCain lost rather I am rather upset, peeved and any other words you can throw in that Mr. Barak Obama is now the president elect of our country. I, however did not have the liberty of going outside with my scotch and pipe so i will just have to bear it. I also hope that you have gotten over your sickness that caused you to throw up, although I am not a doctor yet, based on my acute diagnostic skills I have a feeling that your sickness will be around for at least four years. I hope not longer. On a less serious note, I read some of your blog. Which son has a title?