Tuesday, September 1, 2009

As Sand Through an Hourglass...

There truly is a generation gap. At least among my siblings and their children. let me explain.

I was over at the Carwash's and we got into an impromptu game of charades along with my brother ( not the lawyer) and his wife. So we were running out of topics, and since we all grew up with each other, we were guessing before the person even started, so we needed to shake it up a bit.

Now, when I was younger, the movie that became real popular with my siblings was The Princess Bride ( inconceivable, really.) my sisters knew the movie so well it was to the point that we could watch the movie with the sound off, and still have all the dialogue.

For some reason, among our children, the movie that the girls in particular seem to have gotten into is Newsies. The kids seem to be in a competition as to who can see it the most, and the dialogue gets quoted constantly. I happen to feel that I should know what my kids are into, so I have seen it as well (I should note that at one point it would have been impossible not to see it, as it was playing on the DVD or computer just about every night.)

Figuring that my siblings are as involved as I am, I started to act out the movie, from the first scene on. Blank stares. I did a few more scenes. More blank stares.

Finally, after flopping over the ottoman for the third time, and realizing at my advanced age that I couldn't do it much longer, I told them what it was. Their response? Oh, we haven't seen the movie!

I was shocked that something so integral to their kids was not in their interest at all. I was also a little winded.

So I got to thinking, this isn't really that different than when we were kids and soooo into things, and our parents were completely not interested ( for instance, The Princess Bride). Just like we were not interested then in things our parents were into, that we have a greater appreciation for today.

What that is, offhand, I can't think of anything, but I am sure there are some things.

And the Gap widens... ( perhaps the name of a soap opera when we are really old??)


Dipsy said...

I loved this post. Our father actually threatened to throw out the VCR if we rented the Princess Bride one more time. I now actually own the movie and I think my kids wonder what the whole fuss was about. But I feel the same way about Newsies. Though what my parents used to love that I didn't understand I can't remember.

FIL said...

"not interested" is the understatement of this and the previous millenium!