Friday, September 11, 2009

Wildlife II

My driveway seems to be a haven for all hungry beasts in my neighborhood. I am thinking of charging admission " See the animals! Watch them in their natural habitat! (my garbage cans), much closer than Great Adventure! Take one home as a pet! (please)."

Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, I responded to pick up the ambulance for a call at 3 AM. I went out to my car and saw that the garbage can was once again on its side, and there was an animal having a late night snack. Now the can was in front of my car, and a little off to the side.

Thinking it was one of the usual suspects (the cats and raccoons that frequent Chez Greun) I continued towards it, figuring I would just chase the varmint away.

Until I saw the wispy white tail.

Sticking up.

Now, I had to make a quick decision on what to do. I had to get to my car, and I figured I could still do so, but the usual escape route of this critter is to cross the driveway into the back yard. If I were to blast past him, he might freak and decide on a little eau de ewwww. So I slowly went wide around the can, hoping he would sense company and leave, which is what they usually do. However, this little skunk decided to come out and investigate.

With his tail really straight up.

This is generally perceived as not a good sign for one who wants to keep his friends and family, so I decided that a little walk around the back of the house would probably be the prudent choice of action. As I came around the second time, the critter must have decided that having his meal disturbed a second time was enough, and he politely chose to leave.

With his tail down, thank goodness.

I arrived a few minutes later at the call, and all was forgiven for the short delay, since the smell inside the ambulance would have been enough to send us all to the hospital had I kicked the can.

So that was all well and good until the other morning. I heard rustling outside my window, which usually indicates a feast is in progress, but this was early in the morn, when Chez Greun is usually cosed for the day. I didn't think much of it until around 7:30 when Lovey informed me that something was still banging around. I looked out my window, which overlooks the driveway, and into 3 of the 4 cans which don't have lids, and didn't see anything. The fourth can had the lid on it, but it wasn't moving.

Lovey decided to investigate and look in all the cans from ground level. Since I didn't think there was anything to see, I wasn't paying much attention until she shrieked. She had looked through the hole in the top of the can that one of our previous customers had made, and seen a little raccoon staring up at her. Then, after my manhood was called into question, I was forced to come outside and see this animal for myself. I asked all the appropriate agencies to please come and take this interloper away, and get rid of it, but they all refused, so I had to let it go myself.

I know Lovey is a good cook, but this constant invasion is getting ridiculous.


Stuart said...

Time to move back to the concrete jungle where the animals are all 2 legged.

bug said...

get a gun and shoot it