Friday, April 23, 2010

College for a Day

My son was a college student for a day, we are SOOO proud. Here’s the story.

Bug had decided to do something with his life, so after much research, soul searching and angst, we all decided on a program in Queens for him to attend. Part of the decision making process was his ability to start a semester after Pesach, and earn three credits for a course. The daily program involves Talmudic studies until about 3, then college.

So we trundled him off on a Sunday evening to Queens, for dorming and orientation, satisfied that we had done our part to establish him as a responsible adult. Ah, the best laid plans…

Well, of the four courses potentially offered for this mini-semester, two he had, one he didn’t need, and the one that would have worked might be cancelled due to lack of interest. That would have meant a huge break every day with nothing for him to do constructively. The thinking back at HQ was if he can’t take any classes, he would do better to stay at home, where there are more options we are familiar with and where we have a greater support network, not to mention access to a car to get to different places. However, I thought we left it on Monday night that Bug would try to work something out in Queens.

Imagine my surprise to get a phone call early Tuesday morning informing me that I was having company on my ride home, as he was returning from College!

I have to think this is a record for lasting in a university, one day. All is not lost, however, as he is planning to return there for the regular semester, and he has found morning and evening learning programs in Monsey, as well as that same course locally. However, we are looking for some kind of employment to fill the afternoon hours, if anyone knows of something, please let us know here at the good doctor.


G6 said...

Well, there goes the chances of any decent shidduch!!!
The next thing you know you'll be telling me that you're going to start wearing a straw hat in the summertime!

What's this world coming to?

(Oh, and I sent you a job listing via email....)

soupeater said...

reminds me of "bar bei rav d'chad yoma"