Friday, April 23, 2010

In the news

It has been far too long, dear readers, that we have left you bereft of any new posts so please accept the good doctor's and my own apology for the dearth. I might excuse it by pointing to the busy holiday schedule or some other lame excuse but I notice that other blogs with the same constraints were able to regale you, relating events of the past few weeks with interest and humor.

In truth it is the paucity of my inspiration and thought which has caused this drought of literary output.

While rummaging through the accumulated debris of my life, I chanced upon a photograph of...

No that won't work.

This year's holiday outing was more of a spur of the moment idea than the grandiose, chilly picnic we all enjoyed last year. We went to a little known recreation area, replete with bodies of water, mud, baseball fields, tennis courts, and the greenest and most perfectly kept lawn I have ever seen which turned out to not be real grass at all. But so what. It's beautiful - dark green, no bare patches, one length. Some of us played softball, all hitting and fielding, no running; some of us took power walks and some of us just sat around watching the others. The day was gorgeous, and it seemed to be odd to be just sitting around in the afternoon before a holiday. We had the whole family around us which gives us the greatest joy.

I recently read that pirates fired at a US frigate one day and a few days later at still another large US Navy ship. Are they out of their minds? It's one thing to try to hijack a large cargo ship with very limited weapons on board carrying a militarily untrained crew, but to attack a ship, armed to the teeth with the latest weaponry, using only a few assault rifles shows how naive and primitive these pirates are. If the civilized nations wouldn't be so squeamish they could end this scourge pretty easily. In the incidents described above, the pirates were taken captive after being rescued by their victims. Unfortunately, not much is known about what they will do with this scum. Probably nothing.

I would have left them to drown after destroying their boat.

I recently heard an article on the BBC regarding an English group that was suing the British Government to learn the names of two men captured by the British in Iraq and subsequently handed over to the Americans who made sure they were not heard from again.

The story reported an interview with the parents of one of the missing men who extolled his virtues as a good and obedient son. They related how he had gone to Pakistan to finish his studies - no doubt in terrorism although they didn't say so - and it is not clear from their statements how he landed up in Iraq, 1500 miles away, unless one can infer that he was participating in a course lab.

The BBC then interviewed another incarceree of the American prison in Afghanistan who bemoaned the treatment he and other inmates experienced at the hands of the Americans. He related how this cellmate of his became so distraught he wanted to take his own life. I thought, well that was his goal all along!

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