Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mr who?

I am sitting at a dinner next to a good friend of mine, who is the author of some scathing remarks in my direction that have made their way onto this blog over the years.

Well, as I sat there, bored out of my mind and playing a game on my phone during some long winded thank you speech, he asked me if such activity was appropriate for a dinner.

I agreed that it wasn't, and decided that blogging is MUCH more acceptable.

So now what is there to talk about and comment upon at a dinner? I looked to the journal for some fodder, and boy, was I rewarded there! First of all, many of the ads include thanks to members of the organization, as well as personal "shout outs" to family members or friends of the sponsors. As I went through the pages, I saw ads from acquaintances, friends and even family members. Not a word about me.

So there I am feeling sorry for myself when I turn to the pages where they list members of the organization and various other officers. I see that the same good friend mentioned above, who has dedicated hours and hours of his time to become an active member of one of the committees is NOT LISTED!!!
Was it oversight, or a subliminal message??? Who knows, but I sure felt better.

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