Friday, May 7, 2010

Turn the other cheek, indeed!

Here is a disturbing article click here. For those of you who don't want to read it, let me summarize.

Some Islamic organization wants to build a community center which will encompass a mosque as well as other resources.

Incredibly, most of the people quoted in the article encourage the project. I can't believe the complacency, stupidity, cupidity, and laziness of these people. How can they be so positive about a religion who murdered over 3,000 innocent people in its name?

At least one person got it right. He is quoted as saying, "Lower Manhattan should be made into a shrine for the people who died there," and I might add, "not for the savages who murdered them."

When our nation becomes too lazy to even hate their enemies United States est perdita.

1 comment:

dell said...

the world is acting like chamberlain