Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please Act Appropriately

Kirsten Gillibrand is a hypocritical crybaby.

Does that statement make me a bigot? It probably does in her world. However, I resent the double standard that seems in play any time a republican or conservative makes a statement.

Allow me to elaborate.

Mr. Palladino made a comment that Ms. Gillibrand was Chuck Shumer's little girl. She henceforth took great umbrage at the categorization, no matter how true the statement may be. She resented the fact that he referenced her gender, which, I guess is a crime.

If that is the case, then why did she agree to do an article and spread or Vogue magazine? You don't really see many male ( gasp! gender reference alert!) senators featured on its glossy pages. I would even venture, without researching the issue, that there have probably never been any male senators as the subject of a photo spread.

So what bothers me the is hypocritical double standard that our junior senator is using, its OK for her to capitalize on her gender, but no one else may mention it.

And if she really doesn't care, and is just making a fuss for the political grandstanding advantage, than I guess she really is Chuckie's little girl.


fil said...

i think "little girl" has a meaner connotation than you are crediting

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

That could be, however, it is true, she changed her positions at his prodding, and has consistently voted with him.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...
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FBB said...

I agree with FIL, not every time someone takes umbrage at invective, is that person wrong. He could have said puppet, or dummy even. It's not only mean it's demeaning to say that about a grown woman.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

FBB, puppet or dummy is better than girl??

I don't think so, it means that she is his puppet, I think the demonization of Palladino by the press, jumped on by Gillibrand, is where the problem comes in. I doubt it was said with the invective that the comenters herein have imputed to it. (0bviously influenced by said press and senators.)