Monday, November 8, 2010

It Must Be The Hat, Again!

As I have previously blogged, and then followed up, for some reason, when I wear my NYPD cap, people stop me for directions. But I think I need to modify that a bit, they also stop me for other reasons.

I was running late to get back to court in lower Manhattan last week. As I was hurrying along, a group of four tourists from the Eastern bloc asked me to take a picture of them in front of the Brooklyn Bridge. Not wanting to have them think badly of New Yorkers, I grudgingly acquiesced, wondering why they felt they could trust me with their camera. (Could it be that four fit Europeans could probably run down one short fat guy?)

Well, I snapped the picture and returned the camera, and proceeded on my way. Alas, I was not to get to my destination unstopped. As I was once again striding stridently towards the courthouse, a well dressed elderly Russian woman stepped out of a limo and asked me how to get to Grant and Allen streets.

Not wanting to have her think ill of short fat guys, I told her what I thought was the best route to
taken wondering in the back of my mind why she felt compelled to ask me.

It was only when I was once again on my way that I realized I was wearing my NYPD hat.


Anonymous said...

you need not describe yourself as shart and fat, You are not that short relatedlec

related said...

Not sure response got sent so I will repeat. Why do you describe yourself as short and fat. You are not that short..Related

FBB said...

tough crowd.....

Dipsy said...

I didn't know that the NYPD has such a great reputation with tourists. But it definately has to be the hat. It really happens every time you wear it. Unless you get asked without the hat and then you are just the approachable easy to talk to type that those of us who know you know to be true.