Monday, March 9, 2009

Right this way II

It happened AGAIN!!!! I could not believe it!!! Just like last week I was wearing my ski cap in the City ( This time, in Brooklyn). As I am walking, a guy asks me which way Hoyt Street is. I ACTUALLY KNEW!! I was so proud of myself!

However, I really think its the hat. maybe NYPD doesn't stand for "New York Police Department" like everyone assumes. Maybe they tell people out of New York that it also means something more like "New York Pedestrian Director", or "New York Person for Directions" . It could even have a New York flavor, with " No, You Passed it, Dummy!"

Just some thoughts. I will think some more when I take off the cap and people stop interrupting me.


FBB said...

I love it!!!

I think you could market it, all the tshirts and hats are already printed!!

Anonymous said...

well duuuuh!!! didn't you realize last time this happened that people approached you because they saw the logo? I thought that right away. But it must have been your friendly demeanor that really caused people in NY to stop and ask you something. Keep smiling!!!