Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been Facebooked

Since I have started to blog, and put my life and the lives of those closest to me all over the internet for your entertainment, I have heard that there are private people who do not appreciate having the story of their lives broadcast to the world. I thought that although they are very private people, that they were exaggerating a bit. However, I now know a little bit of what they are feeling.

I received a message from a relative admiring the way that I sing a certain song, with motions and props. Considering that this was done in a private home some 200 miles away from this person, I was a bit surprised that he had seen it. ( I had just had a private screening of the same video the night before, so I know where it had come from.) I felt a little funny that this was now in the public domain. However, i had a "conversation" with the poster, who assured me that the video was down, and it was only for a private group of family members on her Facebook account.

Well, I went to that Facebook page, as I am now have an account since I needed it to contact someone ( more on that in a later post, stay tuned) and I indeed noticed that the video clip was gone, but there were quite a few pictures.

of me.

Not all of them flattering.

Needless to say, I was a bit put out, and conferred once again with the poster, who assured me again that the pictures were in a private album only accessible to a specific group of family members.

I was reassured with this information. However, the feeling remained of having my private life out there for the whole world to see. It is not a comfortable position to be in, with my various aspirations and my current position in life. However, it did give me a glimpse into how others feel about posts that involve or include them. So I will continue to endeavor to use code names and take poetic license with my posts to protect the innocent and those who have the misfortune to cross my path.

I just wanted to share that with you. ( Oh, the irony!) It probably wont stop me, though.


Anonymous said...

i KNEW you would blog about this!!

i TOLD you it was PRIVATE. i'm SERIOUS! ask your friends if they can see the pictures of you, they won't be able to.

the pictures were put up so a family member far away could see them. do you want to deprive her of that?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any Shir Hamaalos video either....
REALLY!!! :p

FBB said...

This is a big issue with facebook, but you actually diminish how insidious it is by comparing it to your posts. Your posts are out there for anyone to read, but if you don't know the people you don't know them, you use aliases and a passing stranger will not "know" who you're talking about.

On facebook there are names and faces, and most posters are not careful, and do not "privatize' the info thereby sending it all over through friends of friends of friends once it is taggged.

I really don't understand how so many parents are so OK with facebook for their kids, when there is a complete lack of control of information.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

You don't know the half of it. I was speaking to someone who deals with these issues and his position was that he can find out about someone just by following the friends, where they live, etc. It is beyond dangerous.

Parents must know what their kids ( older ones, too) are up to.

FBB said...

I am aware of that danger, but I didn't want to sound too alarmist for fear that the rabid facebookers would post pictures of me!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as flaterring pictures of you since you graduated out of diapers