Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Possble End of the Perfect Waffle Quest II

So since my commenters have the patience of mayflies on line at the DMV, I shall continue the saga here.

After obtaining the recipe for the Rimon Belgian Waffle it was time to come home and pull out the ace card, basically, a recipe from the SIL of Dipsy, a frequent and ardent reader of this site. After hearing accolades from all those who ate this delectable delight, it was time to try it. Although it is not even slightly fat free ( 1/4 cup oil, 4 eggs) it didn't have 27 pounds of butter, so I decided to give it a chance.

DISCLAIMER AND POSSIBLE PART III, I have never actually completely made any of the recipes that DID call for butter, so I can't say the quest is done, you lucky readers! This hobby (obsession?) could go on for MONTHS or YEARS!....

Back to the waffles at hand. So I made the recipe, nice, really thick batter, and I put it in the machine. It smelled lovely. When it came out, it wasn't the usual soggy mess, it seems to have a real crispiness and weight to it. I bit in. So did the tasters.

It was OK.

Unfortunately, it didn't have the WOW factor that we were looking for, it certainly had the best texture of any we had made, and there was more taste than the usual ones ( except for, surprisingly, the fat free one with apple sauce and apple juice, which still had the most flavor, albeit apples).

So we tried to doll it up with a bit of honey ( a Rimon ingredient) some Splenda and cinnamon. Still OK. However, then I decided, since the batter was so thick, to put chocolate bits INTO the batter.


THAT truly hit the spot, the chocolaty goodness inside the crispiness of the waffle, with the inherent sweetness of the bits made the eating experience phenomenal.

So for now, without the butter waffles, or having tried to re-create the Rimon experience, we are sticking with the Batter from Far Rockaway with chocolate chips as the leader of the quest.


FBB said...

If you have so many waffles recipes it should be fairly simple to incorporate those amounts to the Rimon recipe.

Glad it was tasty, but healthy food being only "fat free," is very 1989, and no longer the prevailing thought on good dietary habits. Make it LOW fat, with whole wheat, and and minimal real sugar, and you can give it to the kids guilt free.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

who said anything about the kids????

FBB said...

You did! A bout a hundred waffle posts ago!

Dipsy said...

Are you looking for healthy waffles? or for tasty crispy waffles? Because the ones from Rimon didn't seems to be worried one iota about healthfulness. I agree with FBB that if you want healthful (as i have said before) use whole wheat pastry flour, canola or olive oil and honey or maple syrup.
Or just go with taste!!!
So glad this recipe worked for you, what took you so long!
P.S. thanks for the shout out.

Bug said...

whole wheat doesn't taste good. stick with the fat full recipes. and the kids are old enough to feel guilty on their own they don't need the good doctor to feel guilty for giving them something they shouldn't eat.

big sis said...

moral of this story? or whole syrupy saga?


the reason you haven't found a recipe with the wow factor is cuz it's not a wow product.