Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So its all over the the news today, Mayor Moron has the WORST approval rating of his (seems like) 27 year tenure abusing us. 51% of New Yorkers disapprove of the job being done. This probably includes people from Manhattan as well. I guess people who can no longer drive, park eat what they want or smoke anywhere in the city have finally had enough of the ham handed tactics that he employs to force his agenda on all of us. I would assume if you took out the Manhattanites, his rating would be more like 70% unfavorable. And if you included all the people who work in the city but commute in, it would be more like 90%. Which proves what I said a while ago...

The only person who likes him is himself.


FBB said...

The only trouble I have bashing him, is the amount of charity he gives. Yes, he's a wealthy (understatement) man, but he gives a lot away.

He made some comment about another politician who was asking for a certain program to be saved "If he wants to cut a 400 million dollar check, I'll accept it."

All I could think was "YOU could cut a 400 million dollar check, and have enough left over to cut another one!!"

big sis said...

actually I like him.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

This outpouring of support is really getting to me. Obviously neither of you really get to the City much.