Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So even though I am supposed to be recovering, my relentless critics have not been shy in telling me that since I have soooo much time on my hands, I should be writing lengthy and detailed blogs.

Alas, I don't want my readers to lose interest as I meander through the intricacies of bypass surgery. So I have decided that when Lovey has enough off me just sitting around, and I am forced to make dinners, along with my quest of the perfect fat free foods, I really should have a lot more to talk about.

I also have the attention span of that woodchuck, who has wisely decided to lay low for a while, and has not been out when I pass by the window.


FBB said...


I make dinner every night. I hope this is entertaining. Having a cardiac event does not give you a PASS on blog responsibility!

Dipsy said...

I was wondering what was happening with all of your wildlife out there in the woods!