Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Munich II

Senators Levin & King in their shameful op-ed article in the New York Times, presuppose a truthful, trustworthy Iran, when all their history of the past 35 years shows them to be cold blooded liars, using every artifice to pursue their diabolical agenda of regional domination and Muslim fundamentalism.

Nowhere is there any doubt in the Senators' minds that the Iranians may not be negotiating honestly.

I am surprised that someone with the credentials, maturity and sophistication of  Senator Levin can so completely ignore the lessons of recent history;  Germany in the 30's,  the communist states  in the decades of the cold war,  North Korea just recently.  In all those cases, a willingness to unconditionally trust rogue states has led us and those whose political system closely matches ours, down a path which eventually embroiled us in wars anyway.

Winston Churchill, commenting on Chamberlain's deal with Hitler and Mussolini at Munich in 1938 said,  "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war."

From pictures taken at the closing of the Munich conference, it's obvious that no one really believed in what they had just negotiated, but at least even Chamberlain didn't embrace or kiss either Hitler or Mussolini.

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