Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back Again, Again

I have been really busy, which is a good thing. However you are all losing out on some great posts that I constructed in my head but never reduced to digital media for broadcast. I have a sign in my office where I printed a quote from my secretary, and which has been echoed by my children as well, which pretty well sums up my thought process.

" I swear there is a party going on in your head and no one else is invited but you".

Its actually one of the funniest things that have ever been said to me, and I agree with it wholeheartedly. So after thinking up some great posts, imagine my surprise when I checked in here and realize that NONE of them actually got written!

I think part of the reason is that some of the things i would write about are filled with tremendous wrath and venom ( new NYC mayor, leftist media attacking Christie but giving a complete pass to his potential opponent (Clinton) and her idiotic boss over Benghazi, the New York Post ( i might still write that one), and many other items that would label me an angry kook. 

However, I am once again resolving, during this period of resolutions, to write more so that I can continue to share my brilliant tidbits with all of you.

And I am sure there will be another waffle post as well.

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