Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clowns can be the Saddest People

I have been insulted, in the guise of a compliment.

I have been informed that I am funnier in person. Now this may sound like a compliment, and I do appreciate the sentiment, however, I like to think that I am a well rounded ( not as well rounded as I used to be, but that's another story) individual when it comes to humor. I try to entertain the masses in person, as a blogger, a commenter, and when I write in general ( except court papers, judges tend to take themselves VERY seriously, and don't appreciate humor).

Here's what happened. I met someone who recently started to follow the blog. That person informed me, as I stated, that I am funnier in person. That person's family helps, in that the conversations tend to allow me to go off on some riff that we all find humorous. However, I was feeling a bit down, so I mentioned it to my reality check, a very old friend who is beyond brutal in his honest assessment of me and all my faults. He agreed with the assessment, and added that he doesn't find me all that funny altogether.

Now I realize that I can't compete with fellow bloggers linked to this site ( MBB of Icebergcarwash , for instance), or to some of the humor columnists and comedians that I listen to. I also realize that not all topics lend themselves to humor, but I always try to inject a least a little tickle of the funny bone of my followers.

Alas, I think perhaps by humor is a bit too subtle when I write, so I am toying with certain comedic devices to have you all rolling on the floor...... ( you know the rest). I think I shall either go for the absurd exaggeration, or perhaps write everything in caps, so you people will laugh so hard YOUR INSIDES WILL COME OUT YOUR NOSES!! AND THEN CAN BE CLEANED OF CHOMETZ FOR PESACH!!! ( add the gross factor as well, that can work). Maybe I shall just continue with the subtle humor that gets a grin, and perhaps invokes thought and conversation.

Or just sit in a corner and cry.


G6 said...

A) You are funnier in person. Deal with it. Everybody has their 'best' medium.

B) Is FBB going to take that backhanded insult lying down? I mean, you just made sure that EVERYBODY knows which posts you truly prefer on icebergcarwash....

C) Regarding the lengths you will go for an easy laugh - you know even us bloggers have STANDARDS!! Did I, for instance go for the easy laugh on my blog and post about how my dear husband, good yekke that he is, got a colonoscopy this week? [oh the lengths we go to in Pesach cleaning...]. No! I kept that bit of appetizing information ALL TO MYSELF.

Stuie C said...

As a rule, I don't find you that funny, pathetic at times, but not that funny. You're a lawyer, you are not expected to be funny.

lizardk said...

i'm voting for the crying option. the i can pretend i hit you with a towel (or was it a tissue) and made you cry

Dipsy said...

i prefer the subtle humor that gets a grin.

Dr. Boo Boo Gone said...

Take it from someone who is a lot funnier than you, your not even that funny in person.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Dr. Boo Boo Gone, I don't know who you are, so I have have no way of knowing if you are funnier. I know some people who are definitely funnier than me, and I appreciate them. However, more arrogant you are for sure.

Feel free to identify yourself, then I enjoy the put downs ( see Stuie C, we know who he is, and he may be right, or he may be jealous :-)).

Be careful, other sarcastic Doctors have not fared well in the world of Greuny...

Dr. Boo Boo Gone said...

I am not worried. I take as well as I dish it out. Wouldn't enlighten you with my identity take away the mystique?

soupeater said...

I for one think your posts are almost the equal of MBB and that you are funny both in person and in script.

In fact, I think the problem is with your loyal, but largeley humorless and unsophisticated audience. They don't get the subleties of your writing or your humor.

Keep up the good work. A skillful blogger is hard to find.