Thursday, November 19, 2009


I apologize in advance, but I MUST rant. I just had a conversation with someone about a young man I know who is a little different, and needs a particular type of girl who will put up with his idiosyncrasies. So that person said, he needs a girl, maybe from that school in Monsey,_____. That happens to be the school that my daughter and nieces attend and have attended.

Knowing the gentleman in question, I was aware as to the mind set of the person I was talking to as to what she assumed was the quality of the girls from this school. I asked her how she had this information, and she admitted that she did not have it first hand, ( she lives in Brooklyn) and actually does not know ANY girls who attended that school, but it was what she had heard.

I then became extremely annoyed and informed this person that whatever negative information she has heard about the school is just wrong, and anyone who promulgated such unadulterated B.S. ( I don't think I abbreviated the word in the conversation.) is both wrong and evil. I felt compelled to inform her that it is one of the premier schools in Monsey, and has sterling girls and a top flight administration.

It is unbelievable to me the gossip and slander that people feel free to disseminate irrespective of the truth, and mindless to the damage that it can needlessly cause when it is completely untrue. They never stop to think that perhaps this sniping and bad-mouthing is nothing more than political jockeying from the different schools themselves. They never stop to think that what might have been true 20- 30 years ago might have changed. they never stop to think of the damage their mean spirited or worse, mindless, drivel can cause to perfectly fine girls from wonderful homes. Especially when the truth is the furthest thing from the stupidity they believe to be true.

I know the girls that go to this school. I know the parents that send their children to this school. I am familiar with the high academic level that the school is on, as well as the professionalism and caring of the principals. For anyone to say that this school is lower academically, or that the girls are not of the highest caliber is just wrong, and if they actually believe it then I suggest they remove their heads from the hole it is currently in to get some air.

Unfortunately, this is not a new problem, but you just can't fix stupid.


big sis said...

time for said school to have a promotional brochure with your rantings featured "an enthusiastic parent lauds ____ in Monsey"

SLiM said...

especially when it comes to shidduchim and people are so busy doing their "research" you would think they would be able to check out something as simple as this as oppose to just assuming what they heard was correct.

wolfman said...

I have no idea what you are talking about. but it makes for a good read

Doctor Uhberschnitzel said...

Perception is everything. If she's saying it, people are talking about it.

I've also heard from a few people that that school is not one of the top. It's for the "weaker" girl.

I have no basis for that other than what people have told me, so I have to belive it.

SLiM said...

why in Heaven's Name (literally) would you have to believe something just because it is what "people are saying"?!I think you actually have an obligation NOT to believe it! And certainly repeating unsubstantiated rumors is not allowed!

Doctor Uhberschnitzel said...

You don't have to believe anything you don't want to, without any proof, though if people are saying it, I'm still going to have some thought as to the issues of the school in my mind.

There's no reason right now for me to check it out for a few more years, so as far as I'm concerned, there's a reason right now to believe that there's something wrong with that school - and when the time comes, I'm going to walk into that place with that accusation in mind (without announcing it).

It's probably the point of "keeping your head out of the sand"...