Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Come and get it at the Greunkern garage sale!

Lovey has decided that we have too much stuff, and it is time to get rid of some ( most) of it. So the first thing she does is post something on one of these community bulletin boards, that results in an almost instantaneous response, and the quick exit of a rather bulky item from our garage.

So amazed at the ease of the transfer, (for free, how difficult is it, actually?) and giddy with the prospect of an empty garage, she continued on her quest and responded to an ad looking for unused household goods.

This was to donate unused goods to a charity, that would then auction them off. So away she goes on a tear through the garage, unearthing all the crap we moved with us from the City nine years ago and never even used, much less opened, or even remembered that we had anymore. This results in five shopping bags worth of stuff.

Now, I think that I should just clarify my position in this as opposed to Lovey's. I am all in favor of a clean and neat house, even if I just appreciate it, but do not actively participate in its creation, and in fact, have been known a time or two to be the root of interference towards the stated goal.


I am also an inveterate packrat, and not really in favor of letting anything go. ( really, I know that is just shocking to all of you.) which is in direct contravention to Lovey's position, which is to remove anything that doesn't move in eight hours. ( there are reasons why I go to bed later than her every night, but that is for another post.)

So, now we have the dilemma of my basic nature warring with the desire to make the wife happy, so I decided to shut up and let her have her way, so that maybe I could get one of MY cars in the garage for the winter.

So she puts together this package, over my martyred expression, and then drops the bomb on me. Since the guy is in Brooklyn, why should he have to give his UPS number, I go every day, why don't I just saddle up and TAKE ALL THE STUFF TO BROOKLYN FOR HER!!?!?

Now wait a darn tootin' minute here, I went along with the concept, but I sure never agreed to be part of the process! Just steamroll over me, my objections, wishes and thoughts because we need to keep the house neat.

However, as I do like to sleep inside, in the cold, I am looking at a pile of stuff to be picked up as I write this in my office. Anybody want a sectional candy dish? just let me know.


G6 said...

From one pack rat to another, whose spouse just doesn't "get it"... I feel your pain!

(and I'll take your candy dish if you find a taker for my Silver Cross Baby Pram...)

FBB said...

I think Packrat is a generous name for you, Good Doctor Beard Hair and Eight Dimes.......