Friday, January 22, 2010

An Open Letter to Hussein Obama

You've been in office a year now, so let's evaluate your performance.

Back in November 2008 you, rightfully, blamed the pickle the US found itself mired in, on the then current administration. It was blamed for the failing economy, the failing banks, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the federal deficit, the political corruption in Washington. You somehow convinced the people that you both knew how to and were capable of, fixing the problem.

The people elected you to fix the problems not to continue to blame others for creating the problem. They created the mess and that is why they are no longer in power. The mess creation is in the past, it is over with,
US citizens are now concerned with the future.

You immediately tackled the economic problem with your stimulus package. Unfortunately, you and your party, having lingered in the shadows these many years proposed a stimulus solution promoting public immorality and corruption which clearly showed that you were more interested in advancing your party's agenda than to remedy the nation's deficiencies.

Unfazed and deaf to the public outcry - your majority leader going so far as to claim the economic health of the nation would be improved by giving money to abortion clinics - you then proceded to further advance your party's agenda to force everyone into a health insurance plan reminiscent of the collectivisation of the kulaks in Soviet Russia in 1932. In order to get this, you came up with a bill that no one liked in it's entirety, the identity of it's beneficiaries a big question mark.

You further embarked on a campaign to extend an open hand to the sworn enemies of our nation, your friends, the adherents to the muslim faith. You made your first major speech as President in a foreign country to emphasize your respect for their culture and religion. In the spirit of reciprocity the response to our opening came in the form of an attempted attack during one of our nation's principal holiday seasons. To add insult to injury, after divine intervention caused the bomb to misfire, your Homeland Security secretary claimed that the system worked. The only part of the system that worked is that the perpetrator was arrested after the attempt. And we didn't need homeland security for that. Some of the civilian passengers abetted the arrest. We can excuse an error in judgement. Stupidity is inexcusable.

There is a crying need for jobs and a resucitation of American industry. If you are serious about these goals the way to accomplish them is definitely not to make it inadvisable for corporations to hire additional workers. Raising taxes, increasing regulations and increasing the overall costs of doing business will certainly increase the stagnation and the failure of American business to thrive.

You won the election; it's no longer about them, it's about you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hear! hear! Soupy, you tell him! How many years does he think he can blame Bush? His presidency is actually making Bush look better and better as a leader.